Deepak Disagrees
I chat with guests who have strong opinions on everything from philosophy and economics to technology and politics. I play devil's advocate, taking the contrarian stance. The goal is not to argue or win, but to dig deep and explore the foundations of their beliefs.
Please remember that the arguments I make are purely for the sake of exploration as part of the format. It is likely that I do not hold those beliefs personally.
I do my best to release one episode every month. If you have feedback or know someone who should be on the show, please write to me at

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Shambhavi is the Head of Research at Takshashila and chairs its Advanced Biology programme. A PhD in Cancer Biology, she has contributed to WHO guidelines on gene editing, India’s risk assessment of genetically modified crops, and the Rajya Sabha Parliamentary Committee’s work on the DNA Profiling Bill.
- Shambavi on LinkedIn.
- CRISPR: Revolutionary gene-editing technology.
- Asilomar Conference: 1970s discussions on recombinant DNA guidelines.
- Jennifer Doudna: Co-developer of CRISPR, highlighting its precision in gene editing.
- WHO Guidelines: Human genome editing: a framework for governance.
- Bt Cotton: Example of genetic modification in Indian agriculture.
- Pew Research Study: Biotechnology Research Viewed With Caution Globally, but Most Support Gene Editing for Babies To Treat Disease.
- Science of Bio Genetics: Why gene editing poses ethical concerns and raises questions about morality.
- Shambavi Naik's and Priyal Lyncia D’Almeida's survey results: Views on Heritable Gene Editing: Survey from India.
- TALENs: A predecessor to CRISPR in gene-editing tools.
- Zinc Finger Nucleases: Earlier methods of gene editing.
- Sickle Cell Anemia: A condition that could benefit from therapeutic gene editing.
- Scientific American: The Dark Side of CRISPR.
- Shambavi's apprearance on The Seen and the Unseen.
- Dor Yeshorim: Genetic testing to prevent hereditary diseases within specific communities.
- Dolly the Sheep: Ethical and scientific challenges in cloning, often paralleled with gene editing.
- Human Genetic Engineering: Broader discussions on the implications of germline modifications.
- Amit on Twitter
- Amit's award-winning podcast: The Seen and the Unseen
- Amit's video podcast, co-hosted with Ajay Shah: Everything is Everything
- Amit's newsletter: India Uncut
- Deepak's appearance on The Seen and the Unseen: Deepak VS and the Man Behind His Face
- Amit's article in the Times of India: Every act of government is also an act of violence
- Amit's article in his monthly column for BLink, a supplement of the Hindu Business Line: It is immoral to have children. Here's why
- Amit and Ajay discuss the state in this Everything is Everything episode: Understanding the State
- Amit and Ajay discuss the value of freedom in this Everything is Everything episode: Why Freedom Matters
- John Locke – The concept of self-ownership and natural rights
- Isaiah Berlin – The distinction between negative and positive freedom
- Immanuel Kant – The categorical imperative, particularly treating individuals as ends rather than means
- Jeremy Bentham – Critique of natural rights as "nonsense upon stilts"
- Murray Rothbard – Discussions on individual rights and the role of the state
- Ajay Shah and Vijay Kelkar – Book: In Service of the Republic (mentioned for the cost of government actions)
- Lant Pritchett – Research paper on economic growth and human welfare
- 1991 Indian Economic Liberalization – Historical event referenced for its impact on poverty alleviation
- David Boaz – Libertarian thinker and his views on rights and agency
- E.O. Wilson – Commentary on communism as a "great idea, wrong species" in the context of human versus ant behavior
- Darwinian Evolution – Implications of evolutionary hardwiring on societal instincts
- Stephen Pinker – Mention of "the better angels of our nature"
- Thomas Hobbes – The description of life in a state of nature as "nasty, brutish, and short", and in reference to his book Leviathan
Other references:
- Anupam on Twitter and LinkedIn
- Amupam's book, co-authored with Khyati Pathak and Pranay Kotasthane: We The Citizens
- Anupam's article on MRP in The Hindu: Time to abolish the MRP
- Leegin Creative Leather Products, Inc. v. PSKS, Inc on Wikipedia
- Dr. Miles Medical Co. v. John D. Park & Sons Co. on Wikipedia
- Tanuj on Twitter and LinkedIn
- Tanuj's book, co-authored with Nandan Nilekani: The Art of Bitfulness
- Robin Hanson's book: The Age of Em: Work, Love and Life When Robots Rule the Earth
- Jorge Luis Borges' The Total Library
- Eliezer Yudkowsky's open letter: Pausing AI Developments Isn’t Enough. We Need to Shut it All Down
- Joe Carlsmith on LessWrong: What is it to solve the alignment problem?
- Leopold Aschenbrenner on For Our Prosperity: Nobody’s on the ball on AGI alignment
- Tom Davidson on Open Philanthropy: Could Advanced AI Drive Explosive Economic Growth?
- The Chinese Room Problem on Wikipedia
- Noam Chomsky on the New York Times: The False Promise of ChatGPT
- Daron Acemoglu's paper on Harms of AI
- David Cahn asks AI’s $600B Question
- Susan Blackmore on Scientific American: Are Humans the Only Conscious Animal?
- Nitin's website
- Nitin on Twitter and LinkedIn
- Nitin's book: The Nitopadesha - Moral Tales for Good Citizens
- Neuralink explained on Wikipedia
- Daniel Kahneman's Thinking, Fast and Slow
- Nitin writes: Liberal democracies must protect their citizens’ minds from being hacked
- Nitin's TEDx Talk: What if your government was a network?
- Tristan Harris' TED Talk: How a Handful of Tech Companies Control Billions of Minds Every Day
- Jonathan Haidt's The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Caused an Epidemic of Mental Illness
- Purva paksha explained on Wikipedia
- Manoj on Twitter and LinkedIn
- Manoj's books: Smokeless War: China's Quest for Geopolitical Dominance, Fairy Tales: Love, Hate And Hubris, and Voterfiles A Political Travelogue
- Child pornography and art, and the case of Graham Ovenden
- Learn aboutCharlie Hebdo
- Romesh Thappar vs The State Of Madras on India Kanoon
- Brij Bhushan And Another vs The State Of Delhi on India Kanoon
- K. A. Abbas vs The Union Of India on India Kanoon
- Ranjit D. Udeshi vs State Of Maharashtra on India Kanoon
- Learn about books banned in India
- The Polyester Prince, a case of censure by non-state actors
- Francis Alÿs’s Green Line & 58 liters of paint